September 24, 2010

MyVampFiction Original Fiction Contest

Bwah? Not Twilight? Damn straight it's not! Take your own characters, your own favourite vampiric traits, and scramble together your own story. Create your own sandbox to play in, beholden to no one! I have a piece nearing completion. Sadly, it's not really a 'complete' story, more like a pilot episode for a new series, or an opening chapter in a novel. It does have a beginning, middle and end that defines my characters, the real world they live in, the realities of life and death and after life, all our favourite things about vampire stories.
Do you have an idea for a great vampire story? Get on it! There's still time to enter. This one doesn't close for another two weeks!!
Contest rules and details at MyVampFiction
The Thumann Legend - Original Vamp Fiction!!

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