How's this for a contest prize? A Kindle. Gimme gimme gimme! Regardless of the prize I was entering this contest. I have been falling less and less in love with Twilight, so the opportunity to write and enter Original Fiction was a HUGE draw for me. This contest is anonymous, so I won't tell you any more about MY entry, but I will link you to the details, of course: Contest details
Just think, you get to make the vampires. Are they completely indestructible like Meyer's? Do the bleed like Whedon's? Does sunlight hurt them? How quickly? What else makes them vulnerable? How do they interact with humans? How do they go unnoticed?
If you think you might have your own answers, draw yourself up your typical vampire, give him or her a story, a short one, and tell all of the rest of us!! How awesome is this contest?! Get cracking, time is running out!!