September 24, 2010

MyVampFiction Original Fiction Contest

Bwah? Not Twilight? Damn straight it's not! Take your own characters, your own favourite vampiric traits, and scramble together your own story. Create your own sandbox to play in, beholden to no one! I have a piece nearing completion. Sadly, it's not really a 'complete' story, more like a pilot episode for a new series, or an opening chapter in a novel. It does have a beginning, middle and end that defines my characters, the real world they live in, the realities of life and death and after life, all our favourite things about vampire stories.
Do you have an idea for a great vampire story? Get on it! There's still time to enter. This one doesn't close for another two weeks!!
Contest rules and details at MyVampFiction
The Thumann Legend - Original Vamp Fiction!!

September 15, 2010

Love or Life

When I saw this contest, I knew I wanted to enter it. What I didn't expect was how hard it was going to be. I'm hoping a few more people might think they're up to the challenge in the next couple weeks.

Imagine being one of the Cullens, a vampire for decades, and suddenly, you find yourself human again. Not your mate, just you. What do you do? Do you take a few days to enjoy it and then go back to your family? Do you take the opportunity to live as you were meant to? Do you have children and grow old, forever remembering your life before? Do you step into the human world, only to discover that it holds nothing for you, and beg your family to take you back? The possibilities are endless. And so is the word limit! Minimum is 2000 but WannaBeEsme was expecting some of the entries to span several chapters.
Details on this contest can be found on the Twilighted forums: here but entries may be posted to or Livejournal as well.
Here are a couple exerpts from the two entries she has so far:

The Devil or the Deep Blue Sea
He sat next to me, and for the first time in the 20 years I’d known him I didn’t shirk away and wrinkle my nose.  I was starting to notice other things that frightened me as my shock wore off.  I was in pain.  I hadn’t experienced actual pain since I’d awakened from the fires of the conversion.  I felt a weird sensation on my face and brushed my hand against my cheek.  I held my shaking fingers in front of my eyes and saw wetness on them.  Tears.  I hadn’t cried in over 90 years, and now there were tears running from my eyes.
Without thinking about it, I flung myself into Jake’s arms.  He was familiar and I needed somebody to hold me together as my brain struggled to accept what had happened to me.
“I’m human, aren’t I?”
He arranged me in his lap so that he could hold my head to his shoulder.  “Yeah.”
“How?  What happened to me?”
I felt the shudder wrack through his massive frame and realized that as much as we mutually disliked each other on a normal basis, he had been genuinely terrified for me today.

"So…are you…going to stay human?" Bella asked the question on everyone's mind after a few moments of silence.
"I don't know," I said honestly.
Yes, this is my dream come true, but to stay human would most likely mean leaving my family. Being human would mean growing old. Being human, either meant carrying another man's child calling it Emmett's and mine's, or letting Emmett go and try living a human life fully, away from everyone. Even if I tried carrying Emmett's child it would either kill me in the end or I would have to change back to a vampire.
They started to talk in rushed words that I couldn't hear and I started to yawn and doze off. Soon I felt two strong and cold arms picking me up and I knew it was Emmett. Before I could open my eyes I heard our bedroom door shut and felt him setting me down on the bed. It was then I realized that he hasn't spoken one word since I got home.
"Emmett," I said quietly pulling at his arm as he sat beside me, "are you ok?" I asked sitting up. He just nodded in response closing his eyes and leaning into my touch as I ran my fingers through his soft curls. Even though I felt them this morning as a vampire and I thought they were soft, as a human they felt even softer to the touch.
I leaned forward to kiss him and noticed he wasn't breathing at all. I knew he didn't need air but it became a habit for all of us to breath because of our human charade.
"Em, what's wrong?" I asked confused. "I know I smell a bit from walking through the woods all day but still you don't have to hold your breath."
"It's not that," he replied quietly.
"What is it?"
"Your smell."
I knew what it meant. Yeah, we were able to be around humans. We know how to control ourselves. But for them to all really smell me for the first time, it had to be a bit difficult, because they're not used to it. But with me being a human there was a question that I was a bit afraid to ask, but I had to.
"Emmett, am I your singer?"
He just nodded to my question and I let out a soft 'oh' in response. Even with being his singer I trusted him with my life. I knew he wouldn't hurt me ever or make me change. But I know the pain in his throat would be burning every time he smelled me. The instinct to take my body would always be there and he would have to resist it for at least three days.

September 3, 2010

Lost Love

If you have ever suffered heartbreak, then you probably understand the growth and healing that follows.  We want your stories of love lost, hope found.  Show us the silver lining in your thundercloud.  Not everyone gets a “Happy Ever After.”  We want to see real.  Life.

That's the description of the contest as found at This anonymous contest has twenty-two heart-breaking entries so far, each with their own drop of hope at the end. Because it's anonymous, I am not telling you that two of these entries have my fingerprints on them (one is a collaboration), but I am going to tease several entries that have none or only a single review. The ones with more are also good! Read and Review them too! But I'm going to show some love to the unloved with this blog entry. I'm going to link to the individual stories. Just click the author link at the top of any one of them to see all the entries.

Your Girl
August 8th
I walked by and was thinking about going in when I saw you there. With her. You had your hand on her back. It doesn't go there, Edward. Your hand belongs on my back.
She looks like a mouse. She's going to break so hard when you fuck her around the way you did with me. Good.
I boxed up all your shit and it's by the door. I put my boots in there too. Maybe your new whore will like them. I hope they cause her as much pain as they did me. I'll drop it at your studio.
Don't call. Don't come by. We are done.
August 9th
I wonder if it would hurt. If I pushed down hard and into my flesh instead of just making shallow cuts. I wonder what it would feel like to die. It has to feel better than living without you. Nothing in the world can hurt as much as you not loving me except for me not loving you. I'm almost there.
It wouldn't matter anymore if I'm your girl.
September 16th
Reading the last entry is painful, but it's a necessary reminder. I've wanted to sit down and talk to you like this for weeks, but I didn't know what to say. I know you aren't reading but I still need to talk to you. Kate says that it's good, keeping this journal. She says sometimes it's not about you hearing me; it's just about me saying things. So I saved up little things from the last few weeks to give you when I was ready.
The sofa in the day room at the hospital was the same green as your eyes, somewhere between spring grass and moss. I sat on it every day. I miss your eyes.
I didn't try to kill myself, but I thought about it. I don't want you to know that, but I have to say it. It wasn't your fault, even though sometimes I still blame you. I was lost before we started and I used you to help me stay lost. I don't want to be lost anymore.

"Bella, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for not coming home during spring break. I'm sorry for not respecting your opinions on marriage. I'm sorry for not being a good enough man for you. But I've been trying, Bella, I've been trying to make myself good enough for you all these years."
"You can't be serious."
"I am. I know I don't deserve your forgiveness. But, please, Bella, let me try. Let me show you I've changed." His tone was pleading, the words urgent.
I gaped at him, shocked. I had wondered what on earth Edward wanted to say to me after all this time; I had wondered if he had spent the years thinking of me the way I thought of him, but never had I imagined this.
"I'm not the same girl, Edward," I finally managed to say, staring over his shoulder at a couple walking down the sidewalk, hand-in-hand. The woman leaned into the man, her hair falling over his shoulder. It made me ache; it made me want to believe Edward's words.
"I've changed, too, Bella." He tried to reach for my hand again, and this time I let him. Being so close to him, I craved his touch more than I cared to admit. I closed my eyes as his fingers wove through mine, his skin soft and warm. His fingertips were slightly callused, just as I remembered them; he must have stuck with his music, even while pulling the long hours I knew his pre-med program had required. It made me remember him playing his piano while I sat beside him, my head on his shoulder, just like the couple walking down the street. It made my breath catch in my throat as the pain of his rejection came flooding back.
I stared at our hands, his long fingers completely engulfing mine. It was just like our relationship had been; Edward overshadowed me, completely.
"Edward, I'm really happy for you that you've done so well at Dartmouth. But I'm not who I was. I've got my own life here, and I've learned how to be alone."
"Do you want to be alone?"
I shrugged, trying to pull my hand away. His grip only tightened. "I don't know, Edward. You hurt me." I didn't want to tell him that I had been alone, because no one could live up to what I'd had with him; I didn't want to tell him I had to be alone, because he had burned me to the core.
"I know," he whispered, sorrow pooling in his eyes. "Bella, please. I'm not asking you to forgive me, right here, right now. I'm asking you to let me try and show you that I've changed."
"I do forgive you, Edward. I forgave you a long time ago." I took a deep breath, tugging my hand out of his grasp. This time he let me, his brows furrowed in confusion at my statement. "That's not my problem. My problem is that I'm just not sure I want you back in my life."

I spent eight months living in a secluded house in Forks, avoiding him. Seven years living in a foreign city avoiding my past life. I spent all that time without giving any excuse or reason for what I did, just that I loved them and that I loved him.
But now that there is nothing left for me, now that I know that everyone is happy; Alice and Jasper have their family, Emmet met a girl named Rose that loves cars as much as him, my parents are happy, he is happy with his wife, I know that is the time for me to leave for good and share with the world what happened, what I did, to share with them my betrayal, my crime and my sin.
Eight years ago I was happy, loving the man of my life, having a job that satisfied my needs, loving my parents, giggling with my best friend about one day having 2.5 kids and a white picket fence near my in laws' house. Spending my first Christmas with him, our first spring and the beginning of our first summer, eight years ago I had the suspicion that he was going to propose the day of his birthday. Eight years ago everything was destroyed.
Eight years ago I took a trip to Port Angeles with the purpose of going shopping. I really wanted to pick up a watch that he liked when we went together the last time. His birthday was coming soon and I wanted to give him that. Time. While getting out of the store somebody took me and robbed everything I had. Whoever did that to me took my body, my soul and my mind but to be honest the only thing that I was thinking about was pleading to God for them not to take the watch, not to take his time. I can just remember blonde hair and black skin, then nothing. I just pleaded for his watch.
They left me in the ally, dirty, filthy and dead. Blood was rolling down my thighs, my clothes were damaged. I could feel grime on my cheeks and a horrendous smell of sweat and garbage. They made me become worse than trash. I recovered my breath, fixed my clothes and took myself to my car and to our house where I tried to clean everything that happened. Nothing helped.
I tried to forget but every time he touched me or looked at me with concern I just knew that I was too dirty and that I couldn't contaminate him. That was my betrayal.
A month passed and I committed my crime. Those people who took my innocence that I had saved for my love, for our wedding night had put a life inside of me. I ended up taking that life away.
That night when he came back home and found me with my bags at the door, I told him that I didn't want him anymore, that he wasn't good enough, and that he was a distraction. I committed my sin because I lied. I left him with tears in his eyes, time around his wrist and my heart in his hands.
So love if you received this I just want you to understand that I was the one that you couldn't want, the one that wasn't good enough, the one that became a distraction. That could contaminate everything with just one touch.
I love you and believe me, it was for the best. It hurts but I am not sorry for taking this disturbing zombie that I had become out of your lives.
With love, your swan.

No Greater Love
Bella shook her head. "I'm not hungry." It was the truth. That fact that Bella would be leaving Edward within the next hour to go back a man that she loathed, made Bella's stomach churn. She knew if she ate anything, she wouldn't be able to keep it down.
Even though she had tried to fight them back, a single tear escaped Bella's eye and spilled down her cheek. Again, Edward noticed.
"Bella, sweetheart, if your stomach hurts bad enough to make you cry, maybe you should go see the doctor?"
"I'll be fine," she lied. If I can just make it until he leaves for work. Then she would allow herself to break down.
Once he had... she did. After giving Edward his last good-bye kiss, Bella shut the door behind him and made her way to the bedroom. She drew back the curtains and watched as he walked to his car, waiting until he had closed the door before she collapsed into a crumpled heap on the bed. Great heaving sobs of gut-wrenching heartbreak wracked Bella's body. She wondered if she would actually be able to walk out the front door, knowing that she would never be able to return. Edward hadn't even been gone from the house for fifteen minutes yet and she felt as if she were already dying. How would she survive, knowing she would never be able to see him again?
"Bella?" Bella quickly sucked back her tears when she heard her sister, Rosalie's voice.
"Bella, where are you at?"
"In here, Rose. I'm in my room."
When Rosalie walked into Bella's room at caught site of her sister's red, swollen eyes, she felt a mixture of pity and confusion. Pity because, even though she and her sister had never really gotten along that well, she still loved her and she hated seeing her unhappy. Rosalie was confused because, even if it was for her son's sake, she couldn't understand how Bella could leave Edward to go back with Felix, when she clearly loved him more than life itself.
"Are you really sure this is what you want to do?" Rose asked.
"No, this isn't what I want to do. It's what I have to do. This may be the only way I'll ever be able to see my son while he's still young enough to want to get to know me." Bella didn't tell Rose what else she had been thinking. It wasn't as if Bella agreed to her ex-husband's terms without weighing the consequences. Believe it or not, going back to Felix in order to get Seth back wasn't the worst thing she could have done. The worst thing would have been turning Felix down and having Seth turn up on her doorstep in the future, asking her why she didn't do everything within her power to get him back.
"I understand. Do you still need to pack your clothes?'
Bella shook her head. "No, I took care of that yesterday morning. I hid my suitcases under the bed."
"Well, all right, then. I guess we should go."
Bella bent down and pulled the two suitcases out from under her bed. "Do you mind taking one of those to the car for me? I want to make sure I didn't forget anything."
"Sure," Rose obliged, grabbing one of the suitcases and carrying it out to the car.
Bella hadn't really forgotten anything; she just didn't want her sister to see what she was getting ready to do. Opening the lid of the clothes hamper, Bella reached in and grabbed one of Edward's dirty shirts, stuffing it into her luggage before making her way into the living room to write a note for Edward. Bella knew that, like her ex-husband before her, she was taking the coward's way out. Edward deserved better than a "Dear John" letter, but she also knew in her heart that he would try to talk her out of leaving if she told him to his face. Because of the love she felt for him, she was afraid that she would let him. She couldn't afford to take the chance.
After placing the note on coffee table, Bella stood in the doorway and took what she knew would be her last glance around the room. Once Edward read her correspondence, there would be no going back. Although she knew Edward loved her, Bella was sure that he would never be able to forgive her for leaving him to go back with Felix. Even if it was for he son. "I'll always love you, Edward," she whispered into the deserted house before pulling the door shut behind her.

And the three newest entries (which is probably why they don't have more reviews)
Living On

Ben nodded and put an arm around Angela's shoulders, leading her from the room.
A nurse found them in the hall. "Excuse me?" she asked. "Are you lost?"
"Not really. We're looking for Jared Newton? He came in with us," Ben answered. Angela continued to peek around curtains and through windows.
"The little boy? Yes, this way." The nurse smiled before turning and leading them to a room in the same hall. Jared was singing at the top of his lungs on the other side of the door.
"This is the song that never ends! It just goes on and on..." Angela shook her head, chuckling. Mike had threatened to kill them for letting Kim teach it to Jared. Obviously he didn't need them right now. Angela peeked in the window to see who he sang to. It was an older woman who clapped along as he sang. Angela noticed that his leg was in a cast, but he was sitting up in the bed.
"Auntie Ang!" He shouted to her. "Unca Ben!"
Angela opened the door and smiled at the woman sitting with him before hugging the little boy.
"Hey, Jared. Feeling better?" she asked.
"Yeah. And look what I got!" He banged his cast, just a tap, but it rang loudly on the leg of the hospital bed.
"Pretty neat."
"Do you know where Mom is?"
Angela looked to the woman who shook her head. "No, I don't, sweetie. Want to come with me and find out? We need to see how Kim is, too."
"Kimmy? Is Kimmy hurt?" his eyes went wide.
"Yes, Jared. Kimmy and your mom were hurt when the truck hit us. Did you see the truck?" Angela asked him now, wondering how much he would be able to understand. Kim had been precocious, but Jared didn't seem to be nearly as advanced as Angela's daughter.
"Well, Kimmy and your mom and dad were hurt more than we were because they were in the front." If he had seen the truck, he could understand the truck hitting the front of the van.
"Dad?" he asked, his eyes filling with tears.
Angela bit her lip. Had he seen Mike? Mike had been leaning out of his chair when the truck hit. She had seen it and tried not to remember. Mike had been crushed, his bones snapping and blood spraying. She pulled Jared into a hug. "What did you see?"
"Dad..." his voice was quiet and then he started wailing. "I want my Dad!" She pulled the boy right off the table and into her lap in the chair the older woman had vacated. She knew how to hold a crying child, but she had no way to kiss this pain away.
"I'm going to get more information for you," the woman whispered to Ben as she left. Ben watched his wife try to console the traumatized boy.
"I'm sorry, Jared. I wish I could make it better. I wish I could bring him to you." She wept into Jared's light coloured hair. "I'm sorry, sweetie." She kissed his head, rubbed his back, willed the pain away. All the while her prayers were with those still here, her daughter and friend.
"Daaaaaaaady!" he continued to wail, clinging to her.
Ben came and hugged the pair of them from the other side, shedding his own tears for his long-time friend. Angela took one hand from Jared to clutch Ben's shirt.

Second Chance
He helped show me that a person's life is made up of many little lives. My life with Jacob was over, but I was still young and had lots of living to do. I just needed to decide if I was ready for that change.
I left that session with an entirely new outlook. As much as it hurt losing Jacob, I knew Jasper was right. I just had to keep living, and my memories of Jacob would forever keep him alive in my heart.
After a few more months, work had become my refuge. I picked up extra shifts whenever I could, and I also started volunteering at the hospital. I worked with kids who were stuck in the hospital for various reasons. There were kids with cancer, kids with injuries, and kids with illnesses. I basically did whatever they needed or wanted. I would play games with them, read to them, and sometimes just sit and talk with them. Everyone was a little different, and each one of them had a place in my heart.
I found this to be a great way in my healing process. Jasper had mentioned volunteering, and at first, I scoffed at the idea. Now that I had been doing it for a couple of months, my life was so much more fulfilled. I liked to think that Jacob was sitting there with me, helping those kids in his own loving way.
To make my healing process even more difficult and confusing, there was a man in the volunteer program that seemed to have taken a liking to me. The idea of ever being with another man was a bit daunting, but I knew I couldn't shut down any opportunity out of fear that Jacob would be upset with me.
Jasper and I had actually discussed this possibility in our sessions. He asked me that if the situation was reversed and Jacob lost me, would I want him to move on. My answer was quick—of course I would want him to move on. I contemplated this for a couple weeks after that conversation. I had decided that if the right person came along, I wouldn't just shoot the idea down, that I would at least give it a chance. The same chance I gave Jacob when we were teenagers.

Golden Brown
My vision was hazy and dull; my eyes heavy with sleep and warmth but all that faded into the background when I saw her, brighter than the moon and brilliant like the sun. She walked toward me, her eyes almost black, brown hair rich and heavy across her pale shoulders. The material of her golden dress rustled with every move, glowing like the fiery sun. Never was there a finer temptress like golden brown.
My eyes widened and I sat up trying to get closer to her, to reach out to her and be with her. She smiled and sat next to me, the light illuminating her existence. She carried on smiling, all calm and tranquil, as she stared at me.
"You are here. You are finally here with me." I whispered as I marveled that she had graced me with her presence. Her grin stretched and she nodded, her brown hair shaking with each nod. She took my hand and brought it to her cold red lips, placing a small kiss on my palm. I felt warm air rush through me and I reach towards her.
"Bella." This beautiful girl was finally with me. The girl I had wanted since she first left me all those years ago when we were only 18 years and on the verge of a new life. The girl who I wanted to give my ring, name and love to forever. The girl who was snatched away from me and into another life where I could not follow.
This girl was now here. And she did care.
I pulled her onto my lap, my arms finding purchase around her waist and my nose caressing her neck. I smelt peaches and cream, texture silky soft and I knew this is heaven. She came back to me. She moved closer and connected her arms around my neck, tightening her hold on me forever.
"Bella." I mumbled into her ear and I felt her all over my body, right into my heart and soul. A soft hum vibrated from her lulling me to sleep.

This contest hasn't closed! If you have an idea for a story of love that got derailed and never put back on quite on the same track, send them in!